Easter Tennis Camps

Wexford Harbour Boat & Tennis Club Redmond Road, Wexford

Coach Emil will run Easter Tennis Camps for children from 7+, over the two weeks of the Easter Holidays. This is an ideal way for Junior Members to meet, develop their skills, and make new friends.  Non-members of the club are welcome to join Easter Camps so why not bring a friend and introduce them to the game! Week 1 - April 14th - 17th Ages 7-11 from 10am - 12pm @ €60 (Members) €75 (Non-Members) Ages 11+ from 10am - 2pm @ €75 (Members)  €100 (Non-Members) Week 2 - April 22nd - 25th Ages 7-11 from 10am - 12pm @ €60 (Members) €75 (Non-Members) Ages 11+ from 10am - 2pm @ €75 (Members)  €100 (Non-Members) *Children must be signed in and out each day by their parent To book: Members - book via your Smartclub Account Non-Members:  Book here

Battle of The Clubs

Wexford Harbour Boat & Tennis Club Redmond Road, Wexford

Join us for a new competition - The Battle of The Clubs, where WHBTC and Hillbrook LTC will battle it out on Saturday 26th April with players across all divisions in a team format to see which club will emerge the 2025 winners. Afterwards, we will put our rivalries aside and enjoy the first BBQ of the season at WHBTC.  Please select BBQ Ticket if you wish to stay for the BBQ. Deadline for entry is Friday 18th April @ 8pm. Team Captains: Hillbrook LTC:  Donal O'Brien WHBTC:  Amanda Whitmore For more information or to enter click here


Wexford Harbour Boat & Tennis Club
